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Wednesday, April 28, 2010

CTK Nairobi 1st Anniversary Celebration


This far the Lord has brought us he is Ebenezer. It has taken persistent prayers, endurance and in most cases a big faith to go through this year. We have all reasons to thank God for the growth that we have experienced even though it has taken place at a lower pace but if we look back to March last year, then we can say that He is faithful. This is also the year that we have been blessed by three little girls (Joy Natasha, Young Daniela and the Young Marylyn) and that symbolizes growth. We have also seen young people coming up and dedicating their lives to the work of the kingdom.

The 11th April 2010 was a great day. It was a great joy to see brothers come from different churches to join us in celebrating the big day. The praises and music all exalted God and above all the word of God that came through his servant Pst. Vitalis Okoth about the three levels of Christianity. We are looking forward to launch deep into the community and affect as many lives as possible thus winning them to Christ.

The greatest prayer item that we have for this year is that God may provide us with a suitable place of worship. If possible, a piece of land where we can build our own temporary structure so that we can worship him always without restrictions.

We thank God for all those who offered any support to us. Financial, moral and most important those who tirelessly prayed for us. May the good Lord do you good.
Yours in Christ,
CTK Nairobi worship centre

CTK Nairobi 1st Anniversary Celebration


This far the Lord has brought us he is Ebenezer. It has taken persistent prayers, endurance and in most cases a big faith to go through this year. We have all reasons to thank God for the growth that we have experienced even though it has taken place at a lower pace but if we look back to March last year, then we can say that He is faithful. This is also the year that we have been blessed by three little girls (Joy Natasha, Young Daniela and the Young Marylyn) and that symbolizes growth. We have also seen young people coming up and dedicating their lives to the work of the kingdom.

The 11th April 2010 was a great day. It was a great joy to see brothers come from different churches to join us in celebrating the big day. The praises and music all exalted God and above all the word of God that came through his servant Pst. Vitalis Okoth about the three levels of Christianity. We are looking forward to launch deep into the community and affect as many lives as possible thus winning them to Christ.

The greatest prayer item that we have for this year is that God may provide us with a suitable place of worship. If possible, a piece of land where we can build our own temporary structure so that we can worship him always without restrictions.

We thank God for all those who offered any support to us. Financial, moral and most important those who tirelessly prayed for us. May the good Lord do you good.
Yours in Christ,
Pst Denis Obonyo
CTK Nairobi worship centre